Dr. M. Michael Cohen Jr. studied at the University of Michigan, Tufts University, University of Minnesota and Boston University. He holds five university degrees from four universities (two from Minnesota). He has been Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle and at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. His long-standing interests include clinical genetics, pathology, and health care in developing countries. His research focuses on bone disorders, overgrowth syndromes, and central nervous system malformations. He has published more than 450 original articles, chapters, letters, and editorial comments, as well as 16 books and 6 monographs for which he is the author, coauthor, or editor.
Numerous Invited Lectures, Keynote Addresses, and Visiting Professorships at Universities throughout North America, Europe, and Other Regions
Experience in the United States, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Kenya, Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Japan, Spain, Norway, Brazil, Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, India, Austria, and Argentina.
American Cancer Society
Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1966-1968
U. S. Public Health
Service Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1968-1971
U.S. Public Health
Service Research Career Development Award Recipient, 1971-1976
Outstanding Teacher
Award, University of Washington, 1977
Inter-Institute Lecture, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland, 1979
President Harold T.
Shapiro Inaugural Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, 1980
Sidney Farber Lecture,
Pediatric Pathology Society, Chicago, 1981
Warren Wheeler Memorial
Lecture, Department of Pediatrics, University of Kentucky, Lexington,
Kentucky, 1983
Distinguished Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons Lecture, Canadian Paediatric
Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 1984
Inter-Institute Lecture, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland, 1985
Heritage Scholar
Visiting Professor of Pathology, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, 1985
Keynote Address,
Dutch-Flemish Craniofacial Association, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 1985
Visiting Professor,
Japan (Pathology Department, University of Niigata; Kyoto University
Medical School; Hiroshima University Medical School), 1986
Keynote Address,
International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, New York, 1987
Keynote Address, Josef
Warkany Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1988
Visiting Professor,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988-1989
Heritage Scholar
Visiting Professor of Neurology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, 1990
Sixth Annual Jarabak
Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1990
Sixth Annual Sarnat
Lecture on Bone Biology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, 1990
Invited Lecture, Bergen
Art Museum, Bergen, Norway, 1991
Keynote Address, Annual
Italian Dysmorphology Meeting, Rome, Italy, 1991
Visiting Professor,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 1992
Chairman, Plenary
Session, Seventh International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related
Craniofacial Anomalies, Broadbeach, Australia, 1993
Keynote Speaker,
Symposium on Craniofacial Anomalies, Adelaide, Australia, 1993
Visiting Professor,
Australia (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth), November
6-26, 1993
Inter-Institute Lecture, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland, 1994
President, Bauru
International Craniofacial Congress, Bauru, Brazil, 1994
Visiting Professor,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, 1994
Visiting Professor,
South Africa (University of Witwatersrand; University of
Stellenbosch; University of the North; Southern African Society of
Human Genetics at Langebaan; International Fetal Pathology Workshop
at Kruger Park), March 22-April 10, 1995
First Wilton M. Krogman
Lecture, Children's Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1995
Honors Award for
Lifetime Achievement, American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association,
San Diego, California, 1996
Fellow, Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (Tokyo Medical and Dental University;
Kyoto University Medical School; Hiroshima University Medical School;
Niigata University Dental School; Fukuoka University Dental School;
Nagasaki University Medical School), August 20-September 15, 1996
Prize, Best Published
Paper, Awarded by the International Congress of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons, Kyoto, Japan, 1997
Paolo Raimondi Lecture,
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1997
Cohen Syndrome,
Biographical Sketch Detailing Discovery of the Disorder in 1973, in
The Person Behind the Syndrome, by P. Beighton and G.
Beighton, Springer-Verlag, London, Great Britain, 1997
Harald Löe
Scholar's Award Recipient, Washington, D.C. and Bethesda, Maryland,
March 5-June 5, 1998
Invited Lecture, National
Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, 1998
Keynote Address,
Symposium on Growth, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998
Keynote Address,
National Congress of Medical Genetics, Avellino, Italy, 1998
Visiting Professor,
Japan (International Congress for the Handicapped; Yokohama; Osaka
University Dental School; Okayama University Dental School)
Toomey Memorial
Lecture, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, 1999
Keynote Address,
Medical Genetics Conference, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, 1999
Second Morris Minton
Lecture, Baylor University, Houston, Texas, 1999
Visiting Professor,
Japan (Tokyo Medical and Dental University; 10th Annual
Meeting of the Japanese Society of Jaw Deformities, Otsu; Osaka
University Dental School; Okayama University Dental School; Kyoto
University Medical School), April 13-May 5, 2000
Visiting Professor,
Japan (6th International Federation of Teratology
Societies, Matsue; Hiroshima University Medical School; Kyoto
University Medical School), July, 2000
Presidential Lecture,
World Cleft Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 2000
Visiting Professor,
Japan (Tokyo Medical and Dental University; Hokkaido University
Dental School; Hiroshima University Medical School; Kyoto University
Medical School; Tokushima University Dental School; Aichi-Gakuin
University Cleft Palate Foundation, Nagoya; Department of Pediatrics,
Nagoya City University Medical School), February 1-April 31, 2001
Symposium Speaker,
Opening Ceremony for the Women's and Children's Medical Center,
Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 2001
Keynote Speaker,
Australia and New Zealand Dental Specialists Annual Meeting,
Queenstown, New Zealand, 2001
Sixth Annual C. J.
Lyons Endowed Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Academician, Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 2002
Third L. Stefan Levin
Memorial Lecture, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, 2003
Keynote Lecture, Bryan
D. Hall Festschrift, Lake Arrowhead, California, 2003
Keynote Address, Tenth
Congress of the South African Society of Human Genetics, Durban, South Africa,
Visiting Professor, Department of Human Genetics, National Laboratory Service,
Corner Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa, May 5-9, 2003
Presidential Lecture,
Congress of the Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgeons, Mangalore, India, 2003
Speaker of the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Prenatal Diagnosis and
Medical Genetics Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 2004
Opening Address,
Sixteenth Brazilian Congress of Clinical Genetics, Belem, Brazil,
Visiting Professor,
Japan (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Juntendo Hospital, Tokyo
Teishin Hospital, Jikei University School of Medicine, Kyoto
University Medical School, University of Tokushima Dental School, and
University of Osaka Dental School), May 2-August 1, 2005
Keynote Address,
Japanese Teratology Society, Tokyo, Japan, 2005
Presidential Lecture,
17th International Conference of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Vienna, Austria, 2005
Ruder Lectureship, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, 2006
M. Michael Cohen Jr. Festschrift, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2007
First Robert J. Gorlin Lecture, University of Minnesota, 2007
Publication of the M. Michael Cohen Jr. Festschrift in his honor in the American Journal of Medical Genetics, Volume 143A, Number 24,
December 15, 2007 (59 articles, 476 page issue)
Third Ronald J. Lemire Lecture, University of Washington, 2008
Cohen Syndrome. In Dictionary of Eponyms in the Cardiometabolic Field, Congrès Relation, La Raincy, France, 2007, pp. 59-60.
Two most downloaded articles in the American Journal of Medical Genetics (2004-2008)(1) Cohen MM Jr, The Hedgehog Signaling Network (6910 downloaded articles; 8876 downloaded abstracts) and (2) Cohen MM Jr, The New Bone Biology: Pathologic, Molecular, and Clinical Correlates (5199 downloaded articles; 6115 downloaded abstracts)
Spenadel Award Recipient, New York, 2008
Keynote Lecture: Perspectives on Asymmetry: The Erickson Lecture, ECLAMC Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
Keynote Lecture: Mental Retardation, Psychiatric Disorders, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Genetics, Fukuoka University, Japan, 2010
Selected Books
Cohen MM Jr: The Child with Multiple Birth Defects, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 1997.
Cohen MM Jr, MacLean RE: Craniosynostosis: Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr, Neri G, Weksberg R: Overgrowth Syndromes, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Perspectives on the Face, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006.
Gorlin RJ, Cohen MM Jr, Hennekam RCM: Syndromes of the Head and Neck, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001.
Selected Symposia
Cohen MM Jr (Editor): Robert J. Gorlin Festschrift, American Journal of Medical Genetics, October 1st Issue, 47:575-806, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr (Editor): The Gorlin Symposium on Overgrowth, American Journal of Medical Genetics, October 2nd Issue, 79:233-333, 1998.
Cohen MM Jr (Editor): The Gorlin Symposium on Asymmetry, American Journal of Medical Genetics, July 15th Issue, 101:289-392, 2001.
Cormier-Daire V, Cohen MM Jr (Editors): Overgrowth Syndromes: An Update, American Journal of Medical Genetics, August 15th Issue, 137C: 1-77, 2005.
Cohen MM Jr (Editor): Thirteenth Annual Robert J. Gorlin Conference on Dysmorphology: Facial and Oral Structures: Molecular Perspectives, American Journal of Medical Genetics, December 1st Issue, 140A:2511-2706, 2006
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
Cohen MM Jr: Apert, Crouzon, and Pfeiffer Syndromes. From Craniosynostosis: Molecular Geneticcs, Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment, M.. Muenke, W. Kress, H. Collmann, B.D. Solomon, Editors. Basal: Karger, Basal, Chapter 7, pp.67-88, 2011.
Cohen MM Jr: Foreword. From Craniosynostosis: Molecular Geneticcs, Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment, M. Muenke, W. Kress, H. Collmann, B.D. Solomon, Editors. Karger, Basal, pp. IX-X, 2011.
Cohen MM Jr: Hedgehog Signaling Update. American Journal of Medical Genetics 152A:1875-1914, 2010
Cohen MM Jr: Word Smithing in Medical Genetics. American Journal of Medical Genetics 152A:1-3, 2010.
Cohen MM Jr: Six Cyclopic Ships with the Death of One of Them. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 21:1327-1329, 2010.
Kreiborg S, Cohen MM Jr: Ocular Manifestations of Apert and Crouzon Syndromes: Qualitative and Quantitative Findings. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 21:1354-1357, 2010.
Cohen MM Jr: Judah Folkman, MD, 1933-2008: Father of Angiogenesis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20:590-591, 2009.
Cohen MM Jr: Perspectives on Craniosynostosis: Sutural Biology, Some Well-Known Syndromes, and Some Unusual Syndromes. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20:646-651, 2009.
Cohen M Jr: Cloverleaf Skulls: Etiologic Heterogeneity and Pathogenetic Variability. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20:652-656, 2009.
Cohen MM Jr: Living History—Biography: From Boston to Halifax Via Ann Arbor, Minneapolis, and Seattle, American Journal of Medical Genetics 146A:2983-2997, 2008.
Carey JC: Encomium to Accompany "Living History—Biography:From Boston to Halifax via Ann Arbor, Minneapolis, and Seattle",. . .of Faces and Frogs—and Vasculature—of Overgrowth and Bones. American Journal of Medical Genetics 146A:2981-2982, 2008.
Cohen MM Jr:.Overgrowth Syndromes. From Potter's Pathology of the Fetus, Infant, and Child, E. Gilbert-Barness, Editor, Second Edition, Mosby/Elsevier, Philadelphia, Volume 2, Chapter 41, pp. 2207-2245, 2007.
Cohen MM Jr:Craniofacial Abnormalities. From Potter's Pathology of the Fetus, Infant, and Child, E. Gilbert-Barness, Editor, Second Edition. Mosby/Elsevier, Philadelphia, Volume 1, Chapter 20, pp.885-918, 2007.
Cohen MM Jr: Robert J. Gorlin, 1923-2006: A Remembrance. American Journal of Medical Genetics 140A:2516-2520, 2006.
Cohen MM Jr: Robert J. Gorlin, 1923-2006: Evolution of His Phenotype. American Journal of Human Genetics 80:585-587, 2007.
Cohen MM Jr: Robert J. Gorlin as a Humorist. American Journal of Medical Genetics 143A:1131-1134, 2007.
Cohen MM Jr: Hemangiomas: Their Uses and Abuses, American Journal of Medical Genetics 143A:235-240, 2007.
Cohen MM Jr: Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: Historical, Clinicopathological, and Etiopathogenetic Perspectives. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 8:287-304, 2005. This article appeared in an issue of the journal dedicated to J. Bruce Beckwith.
Cohen MM Jr: Editorial: Perspectives on Craniosynostosis. American Journal of Medical Genetics 136A:313-326, 2005.
Cohen MM Jr: FGFs/FGFRs and Associated Disorders. From Inborn Errors of Development. C.J. Epstein, R.P. Erickson, and A. Wynshaw-Boris, Editors, Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 33, pp. 380-400, 2004.
Cohen MM Jr: SHH and Holoprosencephaly. From Inborn Errors of Development. C.J. Epstein, R.P. Erickson, and A. Wynshaw-Boris, Editors, Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 18, pp. 240-248, 2004.
Cohen MM Jr: The Hedgehog Signaling Network. American Journal of Medical Genetics 123A:5-28, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia of Infancy. American Journal of Medical Genetics 122A: 351-353, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Endothelium is Essential for Development of the Liver and the Pancreas. American Journal of Medical Genetics 122A:342, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Proteus Syndrome: Misdiagnosis with PTEN Mutations. American Journal of Medical Genetics 122A:323-324, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Neoplasms Associated with Alterations in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors. American Journal of Medical Genetics 119A:97-100, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Mental Deficiency, Alterations in Performance, and CNS Abnormalities in Overgrowth Syndromes. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Semin Med Genet) 117C:49-56, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: TGFβ/Smad Signaling System and its Pathologic Correlates. American Journal of Medical Genetics 116A:1-10, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Vasculogenesis, Angiogenesis, Hemangiomas, and Vascular Malformations. American Journal of Medical Genetics 108:265-274, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Craniofacial Anomalies: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives. Annals of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore 32:244-251, 2003. This is the Distinguished Lecture of the Singapore Academy of Medicine for 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins with Some Comments on Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and NOGGIN. American Journal of Medical Genetics 109:87-92, 2002.
Barr M Jr, Cohen MM Jr: Autosomal Recessive Alobar Holoprosencephaly with Essentially Normal Faces. American Journal of Medical Genetics 112:28-30, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Craniofacial Disorders. From Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, Fourth Edition, D.L. Rimoin, J.M.Connor, R.E. Pyeritz, and B. D. Korf, Editors, Churchill Livingstone, London, Volume 3, Chapter 142, pp. 3689-3727, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Malformations of the Craniofacial Region: Evolutionary, Embryonic, Genetic, and Clinical Perspectives. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Semin Med Genet) 115:245-268, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Perspectives on Craniofacial Anomalies, Syndromes, and Other Disorders. From Craniofacial Surgery: Science and Surgical Technique, K.Y. Lin, R.C. Ogle, and J.A. Jane, Editors, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Chapter 1, pp. 1-38, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Syndromes with Orofacial Clefting. From Cleft Lip and Palate: From Origin to Treatment. D. Wyszynski, Editor, Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 6, pp. 54-65, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: RUNX Genes, Neoplasia, and Cleidocranial Dysplasia. American Journal of Medical Genetics 104:185-188, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Is Kermit the Frog in Trouble? American Journal of Medical Genetics 104:99-100, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Problems in the Definition of Holoprosencephaly. American Journal of Medical Genetics 103:183-187, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Causes of Premature Death in Proteus Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 101:1-3, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Jackson-Weiss Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 100:325-329, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Fibrous Dysplasia is a Neoplasm. American Journal of Medical Genetics 98:290-293, 2001.
Muenke M, Cohen MM Jr: Genetic Approaches to Understanding Brain Development: Holoprosencephaly as a Model. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 6:15-21, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Craniofacial Disorders Caused by Mutations in Homeobox Genes MSX1 and MSX2. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 20:19-25, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 93:171-175, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Merging the Old Skeletal Biology with the New. I. Intramembranous Ossification, Ectopic Bone, Secondary Cartilage, and Pathologic Considerations. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 20:85-93, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Merging the Old Skeletal Biology with the New. II. Molecular Aspects of Bone Formation and Bone Growth. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 20:94-106, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Perspectives on Studies of Reproductive Outcome in Developing Countries. Congenital Anomalies 40:S70-S75, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Dysmorphology, Syndromology, Genetics, and Ethical Considerations. From Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery in Children and Young Adults, by J.C. Posnick, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Chapter 1, pp. 80-92, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Etiology and Pathogenesis of Orofacial Clefting. From Cleft Lip and Palate: A Physiological Approach, D. Precious, Editor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America 12:379-397, 2000.
Barr M Jr, Cohen MM Jr: Holoprosencephaly Survival and Performance. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Semin Med Genet) 89:116-120, 1999.
Cohen MM Jr, MacLean RE: Should Syndromes Be Defined Phenotypically or Molecularly? Resolution of the Dilemma. American Journal of Medical Genetics 86:203-204, 1999.
Cohen MM Jr: Robin Sequences and Complexes: Causal Heterogeneity and Pathogenetic/Phenotypic Variability. American Journal of Medical Genetics 84:311-315, 1999.
Cohen MM Jr: Short-Limb Skeletal Dysplasias and Craniosynostosis: What Do They Have in Common? Pediatric Radiology 27:442-446, 1997.
Cohen MM Jr: Transforming Growth Factor βs and Fibroblast Growth Factors and Their Receptors: Role in Sutural Biology and Craniosynostosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 12:322-331, 1997.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Suture Formation, Premature Sutural Fusion, and Suture Default Zones in Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 62:339-344, 1996.
Cohen MM Jr, Toriello HV: Is There a Baller-Gerold Syndrome? American Journal of Medical Genetics 61:63-64, l996.
Saavedra D, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, Cohen MM Jr: Craniofrontonasal Syndrome: Study of 41 Patients. American Journal of Medical Genetics 61:147-151, 1996.
Cohen MM Jr, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, Saavedra D: Hypertelorism: Interorbital Growth, Measurements, and Pathogenetic Considerations. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 24:387-395, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr: Intermediate Mesoderm: Kidneys and Gonads. Summary of the Fourth Robert J. Gorlin Conference on Dysmorphology. Clinical Dysmorphology 4:178-180, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Hands and Feet in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 57:82-96, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr: Letter to the Editor: Will the Real Ophthalmologist Please Stand Up? American Journal of Medical Genetics 56:425, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr: Josef Warkany, 1902-1992: A Personal Remembrance. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 14:1-6, 1994.
Cohen MM Jr: Skeletal Abnormalities in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:624-632, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Growth Pattern in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:617-623, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr: Sutural Biology and the Correlates of Craniosynostosis. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:581-616, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Visceral Anomalies in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 45:758-760, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr: Proteus Syndrome: Clinical Evidence for Somatic Mosaicism and Selective Review. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:645-652, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: An Updated Pediatric Perspective on the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Diseases of Children 147:989-993, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Gorlin RJ, Clark R, Ewing SG, Camfield PR: Multiple Circumferential Skin Folds and Other Anomalies: A Problem in Syndrome Delineation. Clinical Dysmorphology 2:39-46, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S, Lammer EJ, Cordero JF, Mastroiacovo P, Erickson JD, Roeper P, Martínez-Frías ML: Birth Prevalence Study of the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 42:655-659, 1992.
Cohen MM Jr: Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome: A Review. American Journal of Medical Genetics 41:488-499, 1991.
Barr M Jr, Cohen MM Jr: ACE Inhibitor Fetopathy and Hypocalvaria: The Kidney Skull Connection. Teratology 44:485-495, 1991.
Cohen MM Jr: Picasso and the Art of Distortion and Dislocation: The Artist as Researcher and Experimentalist. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 11:61-95, 1991.
Cohen MM Jr, Cole DEC: Origins of Recognizable Syndromes: Etiologic and Pathogenetic Mechanisms and the Process of Syndrome Delineation. Journal of Pediatrics 115:161-164, 1989.
Cohen MM Jr, Rollnick BR, Kaye CI: Oculoauriculovertebral spectrum: An Updated Critique. Cleft Palate Journal 26:276-286, 1989.
Cohen MM Jr: Understanding Proteus Syndrome, Unmasking the Elephant Man, and Stemming Elephant Fever. Neurofibromatosis 1:260-280, 1988.
Cohen MM Jr: The Long Term Medical Consequences of Nuclear War. Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 62:113-115, 1983.
Cohen MM Jr: The Large-For-Gestational Age Infant in Dysmorphic Perspective. From Clinical Genetics: Problems in Diagnosis and Counseling, A.M. Willey, T.P. Carter, S. Kelly, and I.H. Porter, Editors, Academic Press, New York, pp. 153-169, 1982.
Cohen MM Jr, Hayden PW: A Newly Recognized Hamartomatous Syndrome. Birth Defects 15(5B):291-296, 1979.
Cohen MM Jr: Interrelationships between Common Congenital Malformations. Lancet 1:147, 1976.
Smith DW, Cohen MM Jr: Widow's Peak Scalp-Hair Anomaly and its Relationship to Ocular Hypertelorism. Lancet 2:1127-1128, 1973.
Cohen MM Jr: Problems in the Biological Concept of Race. From Readings in Racial Thought: A Conceptual Survey, M. Penn, Editor, University of Minnesota Press, Volume II, pp. 867-882, 1971.
Cohen MM Jr: Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: Historical, Clinicopathological, and Etiopathogenetic Perspectives. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 8:287-304, 2005. This article appeared in an issue of the journal dedicated to J. Bruce Beckwith.
Cohen MM Jr: Editorial: Perspectives on Craniosynostosis. American Journal of Medical Genetics 136A:313-326, 2005.
Cohen MM Jr: FGFs/FGFRs and Associated Disorders. From Inborn Errors of Development. C.J. Epstein, R.P. Erickson, and A. Wynshaw-Boris, Editors, Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 33, pp. 380-400, 2004.
Cohen MM Jr: SHH and Holoprosencephaly. From Inborn Errors of Development. C.J. Epstein, R.P. Erickson, and A. Wynshaw-Boris, Editors, Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 18, pp. 240-248, 2004.
Cohen MM Jr: The Hedgehog Signaling Network. American Journal of Medical Genetics 123A:5-28, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Persistent Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia of Infancy. American Journal of Medical Genetics 122A: 351-353, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Endothelium is Essential for Development of the Liver and the Pancreas. American Journal of Medical Genetics 122A:342, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Proteus Syndrome: Misdiagnosis with PTEN Mutations. American Journal of Medical Genetics 122A:323-324, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Neoplasms Associated with Alterations in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors. American Journal of Medical Genetics 119A:97-100, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Mental Deficiency, Alterations in Performance, and CNS Abnormalities in Overgrowth Syndromes. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Semin Med Genet) 117C:49-56, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: TGFβ/Smad Signaling System and its Pathologic Correlates. American Journal of Medical Genetics 116A:1-10, 2003.
Cohen MM Jr: Vasculogenesis, Angiogenesis, Hemangiomas, and Vascular Malformations. American Journal of Medical Genetics 108:265-274, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Craniofacial Anomalies: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives. Annals of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore 32:244-251, 2003. This is the Distinguished Lecture of the Singapore Academy of Medicine for 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins with Some Comments on Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and NOGGIN. American Journal of Medical Genetics 109:87-92, 2002.
Barr M Jr, Cohen MM Jr: Autosomal Recessive Alobar Holoprosencephaly with Essentially Normal Faces. American Journal of Medical Genetics 112:28-30, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Craniofacial Disorders. From Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, Fourth Edition, D.L. Rimoin, J.M.Connor, R.E. Pyeritz, and B. D. Korf, Editors, Churchill Livingstone, London, Volume 3, Chapter 142, pp. 3689-3727, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Malformations of the Craniofacial Region: Evolutionary, Embryonic, Genetic, and Clinical Perspectives. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Semin Med Genet) 115:245-268, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Perspectives on Craniofacial Anomalies, Syndromes, and Other Disorders. From Craniofacial Surgery: Science and Surgical Technique, K.Y. Lin, R.C. Ogle, and J.A. Jane, Editors, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Chapter 1, pp. 1-38, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: Syndromes with Orofacial Clefting. From Cleft Lip and Palate: From Origin to Treatment. D. Wyszynski, Editor, Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 6, pp. 54-65, 2002.
Cohen MM Jr: RUNX Genes, Neoplasia, and Cleidocranial Dysplasia. American Journal of Medical Genetics 104:185-188, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Is Kermit the Frog in Trouble? American Journal of Medical Genetics 104:99-100, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Problems in the Definition of Holoprosencephaly. American Journal of Medical Genetics 103:183-187, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Causes of Premature Death in Proteus Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 101:1-3, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Jackson-Weiss Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 100:325-329, 2001.
Cohen MM Jr: Fibrous Dysplasia is a Neoplasm. American Journal of Medical Genetics 98:290-293, 2001.
Muenke M, Cohen MM Jr: Genetic Approaches to Understanding Brain Development: Holoprosencephaly as a Model. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 6:15-21, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Craniofacial Disorders Caused by Mutations in Homeobox Genes MSX1 and MSX2. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 20:19-25, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 93:171-175, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Merging the Old Skeletal Biology with the New. I. Intramembranous Ossification, Ectopic Bone, Secondary Cartilage, and Pathologic Considerations. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 20:85-93, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Merging the Old Skeletal Biology with the New. II. Molecular Aspects of Bone Formation and Bone Growth. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 20:94-106, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Perspectives on Studies of Reproductive Outcome in Developing Countries. Congenital Anomalies 40:S70-S75, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Dysmorphology, Syndromology, Genetics, and Ethical Considerations. From Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery in Children and Young Adults, by J.C. Posnick, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Chapter 1, pp. 80-92, 2000.
Cohen MM Jr: Etiology and Pathogenesis of Orofacial Clefting. From Cleft Lip and Palate: A Physiological Approach, D. Precious, Editor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America 12:379-397, 2000.
Barr M Jr, Cohen MM Jr: Holoprosencephaly Survival and Performance. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Semin Med Genet) 89:116-120, 1999.
Cohen MM Jr, MacLean RE: Should Syndromes Be Defined Phenotypically or Molecularly? Resolution of the Dilemma. American Journal of Medical Genetics 86:203-204, 1999.
Cohen MM Jr: Robin Sequences and Complexes: Causal Heterogeneity and Pathogenetic/Phenotypic Variability. American Journal of Medical Genetics 84:311-315, 1999.
Cohen MM Jr: Short-Limb Skeletal Dysplasias and Craniosynostosis: What Do They Have in Common? Pediatric Radiology 27:442-446, 1997.
Cohen MM Jr: Transforming Growth Factor βs and Fibroblast Growth Factors and Their Receptors: Role in Sutural Biology and Craniosynostosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 12:322-331, 1997.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Suture Formation, Premature Sutural Fusion, and Suture Default Zones in Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 62:339-344, 1996.
Cohen MM Jr, Toriello HV: Is There a Baller-Gerold Syndrome? American Journal of Medical Genetics 61:63-64, l996.
Saavedra D, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, Cohen MM Jr: Craniofrontonasal Syndrome: Study of 41 Patients. American Journal of Medical Genetics 61:147-151, 1996.
Cohen MM Jr, Richieri-Costa A, Guion-Almeida ML, Saavedra D: Hypertelorism: Interorbital Growth, Measurements, and Pathogenetic Considerations. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 24:387-395, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr: Intermediate Mesoderm: Kidneys and Gonads. Summary of the Fourth Robert J. Gorlin Conference on Dysmorphology. Clinical Dysmorphology 4:178-180, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Hands and Feet in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 57:82-96, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr: Letter to the Editor: Will the Real Ophthalmologist Please Stand Up? American Journal of Medical Genetics 56:425, 1995.
Cohen MM Jr: Josef Warkany, 1902-1992: A Personal Remembrance. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 14:1-6, 1994.
Cohen MM Jr: Skeletal Abnormalities in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:624-632, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Growth Pattern in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:617-623, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr: Sutural Biology and the Correlates of Craniosynostosis. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:581-616, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: Visceral Anomalies in the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 45:758-760, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr: Proteus Syndrome: Clinical Evidence for Somatic Mosaicism and Selective Review. American Journal of Medical Genetics 47:645-652, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S: An Updated Pediatric Perspective on the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Diseases of Children 147:989-993, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Gorlin RJ, Clark R, Ewing SG, Camfield PR: Multiple Circumferential Skin Folds and Other Anomalies: A Problem in Syndrome Delineation. Clinical Dysmorphology 2:39-46, 1993.
Cohen MM Jr, Kreiborg S, Lammer EJ, Cordero JF, Mastroiacovo P, Erickson JD, Roeper P, Martínez-Frías ML: Birth Prevalence Study of the Apert Syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 42:655-659, 1992.
Cohen MM Jr: Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome: A Review. American Journal of Medical Genetics 41:488-499, 1991.
Barr M Jr, Cohen MM Jr: ACE Inhibitor Fetopathy and Hypocalvaria: The Kidney Skull Connection. Teratology 44:485-495, 1991.
Cohen MM Jr: Picasso and the Art of Distortion and Dislocation: The Artist as Researcher and Experimentalist. Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 11:61-95, 1991.
Cohen MM Jr, Cole DEC: Origins of Recognizable Syndromes: Etiologic and Pathogenetic Mechanisms and the Process of Syndrome Delineation. Journal of Pediatrics 115:161-164, 1989.
Cohen MM Jr, Rollnick BR, Kaye CI: Oculoauriculovertebral spectrum: An Updated Critique. Cleft Palate Journal 26:276-286, 1989.
Cohen MM Jr: Understanding Proteus Syndrome, Unmasking the Elephant Man, and Stemming Elephant Fever. Neurofibromatosis 1:260-280, 1988.
Cohen MM Jr: The Long Term Medical Consequences of Nuclear War. Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 62:113-115, 1983.
Cohen MM Jr: The Large-For-Gestational Age Infant in Dysmorphic Perspective. From Clinical Genetics: Problems in Diagnosis and Counseling, A.M. Willey, T.P. Carter, S. Kelly, and I.H. Porter, Editors, Academic Press, New York, pp. 153-169, 1982.
Cohen MM Jr, Hayden PW: A Newly Recognized Hamartomatous Syndrome. Birth Defects 15(5B):291-296, 1979.
Cohen MM Jr: Interrelationships between Common Congenital Malformations. Lancet 1:147, 1976.
Smith DW, Cohen MM Jr: Widow's Peak Scalp-Hair Anomaly and its Relationship to Ocular Hypertelorism. Lancet 2:1127-1128, 1973.
Cohen MM Jr: Problems in the Biological Concept of Race. From Readings in Racial Thought: A Conceptual Survey, M. Penn, Editor, University of Minnesota Press, Volume II, pp. 867-882, 1971.